Get ready, Magic players, for the next big Great Stories Canadian Highlander tournament! We’re looking to get the year off to a hot start for Canlander, so that’s just what we’re doing! There’s some insane prizes on the line, so you won’t want to miss this! Here are all the details:
- Saturday, January 25th @ 11:00am
- $25 entry fee per person
- Max of 10 proxies allowed. Official Wizards cards (gold border, collectors, etc. do not count towards this limit.)
Now, about that prizing…
- The starting prizes to fight for: a Phyrexian Text Mental Misstep, as well as some store credit (8 players minimum)
- Every additional 8 players who sign up will add a DUAL LAND into the prize pool! That’s right, THOSE dual lands!
- The Dual Lands are all valued around the Heavily Played/Damaged value as seen on TCGPlayer
We’re excited to see the decks that everyone cooks up to bring to the tournament! See you there!